

Remember the light that's within…


psychic reading

Cards of the Day: 10 of Wands (reversed) & 9 of Cups (reversed)

Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here! Today we have 10 of wands reversed & 9 of cups reversed.  10 of wands reversed indicates that if you have been going through a trying time…those times are now over! One phase of your life is over & a new one is beginning. In order to really move into this new phase you have to let go of old baggage. Forgive those who have hurt you & forgive yourself for any past mistakes you’ve made in the past. It’s a great time to simplify your life. If you’ve been super busy try to find a way to make your life less busy so you can focus more on your health & your personal life. 9 of cups reversed is another card that indicates that you need to pay close attention to your health. You need to watch what you eat & make sure your not being overindulgent. Make the effort to get your health & life back in order. Actually act on the ideas you have instead of just daydreaming or talking about it. Visualize & then look for ways to bring your vision to life! I hope this resonated with you! Have a great day! 

If you’re interested in booking a reading with me or interested in crystals, art or other cool stuff CLICK HERE

Make sure to tune into “Tarot Tea With Twan”! I go live Monday-Thursday at 7pm EST/8 PM CST on my Instagram & Facebook!

Cards of the Day: 10 of Wands (reversed) & 9 of Cups (reversed)

Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here! Today we have 10 of wands reversed & 9 of cups reversed.  10 of wands reversed indicates that if you have been going through a trying time…those times are now over! One phase of your life is over & a new one is beginning. In order to really move into this new phase you have to let go of old baggage. Forgive those who have hurt you & forgive yourself for any past mistakes you’ve made in the past. It’s a great time to simplify your life. If you’ve been super busy try to find a way to make your life less busy so you can focus more on your health & your personal life. 9 of cups reversed is another card that indicates that you need to pay close attention to your health. You need to watch what you eat & make sure your not being overindulgent. Make the effort to get your health & life back in order. Actually act on the ideas you have instead of just daydreaming or talking about it. Visualize & then look for ways to bring your vision to life! I hope this resonated with you! Have a great day! 

If you’re interested in booking a reading with me or interested in crystals, art or other cool stuff CLICK HERE
Make sure to tune into “Tarot Tea With Twan”! I go live Monday-Thursday at 7pm EST/8 PM CST on my Instagram & Facebook!

​Cards of the day: wheel of fortune (reversed), knight of cups, & the world (reversed)

It’s okay to move on!!!

Did you see my cards of the week video on Facebook live  yesterday? (If not, CLICK HERE) Anyway, the wheel of fortune reversed indicates that you may feel out of control of your life & there seems to be negative external forces at play which is true. But you have to think…what part do you have to play in your current circumstances? It may be due to poor decision making or lack of focus. It could also be due to negative thinking. Positive thinkng & taking action now will bring you positive results! Also, it’s time to stop resisting change! You are being called to change something about your life & it may be stressing you out because you’re unsure of yourself. Stop stressing,  it’s okay to move along with these changes. Knight of cups indicates that instead of daydreaming about what you want to do & ideas you may be having, go ahead & do it. Visualizing your desired outcome is a great way to bring them to you but you must do the work to bring them to fruition as well. This card also has to do with positive news or an invitation that will come out of the blue that will bring more wonderful experiences into your life. Pay attention to your dreams (past & recent) because they will give you a lot of insight. The world reversed indicates that if you want to make a change in your life you must follow through on completing tasks/goals. There may also be some of you that are experiencing lack of closure about a certain situation or separation in a relationship. Ask yourself if this relationship or situation positively serves you & your intuition & emotions will tell you if it does or doesn’t. If not, it’s ok to move on…

**Email me at if you’re interested in booking a personal reading**

Weekend Reading

So I gave myself a mini reading & thought that this was a message for everyone as well.

4 of Swords

The Tower

9 of Cups

4 of swords, the tower, 9 of cups: 4 of swords says that you need to take time meditate & reflect. You may even have to strategize a plan of action. You have finally overcame a challenging situation & now you can rest your mind because its over. Reflect on the situation & the lessons learned from it so you are able to face challenges you may have in the future or so you won’t repeat what the lesson. The tower indicates its time to let go! Let go of limiting/difficult situations, old ways of thinking/being. Your foundation is being “shaken” somehow & you’re being asked to just go with it! Don’t be afraid this new phase of life & be open to new people/opportunities that are entering your life. This card also indicates that its time to let walls you have built around yourself to fall down. Allow yourself to be emotionally present. You may have been hurt or have made mistakes in the past but you deserve pleasure & success in your life! The 9 of cups indicates happiness, wishes fulfilled, & spiritual/emotional/physical healing. When you let go of negativity is when true happiness can enter your life & your wishes will be granted. You can’t expect positive outcomes if you’re always thinking of what’s the worst that can happen! 9 of cups is a great card to get in a reading because you can expect your wishes to be fulfilled in the VERY near future. So be careful what you wish for! 

Email me at to book a 20 minute ($20) with me or get $5 mini tarot reading emailed to you! 

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